Thursday 1 March 2018

Should you part ways to pathways?

The simple answer is... it depends.

Depends on what?

Before I start to bore you, for those reading, please note that this post is a followup to a speech project from the Technical Presentations Advanced Manual delivered on Thursday March 1st 2018 at the Talk Tsu Toastmasters (#00788773) club in Trinidad and Tobago.

I'll upload my slide deck sometime soon, however, you don't necessarily need to see the presentation but it may help.

In any case, let's get back to the matter at hand which is deciding when to part ways from the traditional Toastmasters Educational program to the Pathways Learning Experience.
(I know that you love the play on words with the "part ways") The answer really depends on a number of factors mainly:

  1. Has the Pathways reached your region?
  2. How long again does your Region have before the transition period ends?
  3. How far along are you in the Traditional program?
  4. How far do you intend to reach in the Traditional program?
  5. How fast do you intend to reach to your goal in the Traditional program and how possibly is it?

As leaders, we need to set SMART goals and have an adaptive, realistic plan. By adaptive, I mean you need to have some elements of AGILE and be able to respond to changes over stubbornly sticking to a plan which may not be relevant given new circumstances.

Personally, at this time Pathways has not reached my region however it will be here within 2 months. I however personally aim to achieve DTM before the transition period is over and at the time of writing and I am two speeches away from ACB. I usually do two speeches a month and if I push can extend that to 4 so I believe that I can attain it.

Also, as a Pathway Guide, I aim to get District Officer credit and I'm actively looking at club coaching and/or mentoring opportunities. So for me, I will start Pathways but I won't push it until I am closer to my DTM.

I will however aim to complete some levels so that my club can get its DCP points especially during the transition period where clubs can aim for points using either the traditional or pathways program as shown below.

Finally, my advice is, if you're new to Toastmasters, haven't progressed so far in the traditional program and you want more avenues to develop, then get going immediately on Pathways (as soon as it's possible of course!).

If however, you are like me and have goals in the traditional program that you can achieve with the transition period, then why not continue. Worst case scenario, you achieve some and when Pathways comes on stream you would start it. However, do try to help out the club DCP by at least doing some Pathways projects when you can. ☺

Thanks again for visiting. If you were at the presentation or have something to say about this post feel free to leave comments, questions and suggestions.

More Pathways information can be found using these links:

Toastmasters Magazine article

District 57 Pathways material

My "part ways" online quiz (More on this in another post)

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